Thermo Fisher Scientific – Connections for Life
Creating a dynamic, emotional, unified positioning and messaging platform for the Gibco brand.
Thermo Fisher Scientific is a global leader in scientific instrumentation, reagents and consumables, and software and services to healthcare, life science, and other laboratories. A Fortune 500 company, the organization employs over 75,000 people and generates annual revenue of ~$25B.
Within Thermo Fisher Scientific’s portfolio of brands is Gibco, which pioneered the science of cell culture techniques and applications nearly six decades ago. Gibco’s innovations have been instrumental in scientific advances ranging from the first cellular therapies all the way to cloning Dolly the sheep. Gibco is the market leader and is generally recognized as the industry standard among biotech, academic, and pharmaceutical research professionals.
That said, the brand had somewhat stagnated in the eyes of customers and prospects. Though seen as essential and reliable, brand perceptions of Gibco’s innovation waned – as did awareness of Gibco’s extensive value beyond its products, from regulatory guidance to education to hands-on scientific support. Also absent from Gibco’s marketing was the deep emotional bond its customers have with the brand and their cells. At the same time, the brand lacked in-market consistency, as disparate marketing campaigns had proliferated different messages and visual approaches.
Transiris partnered with Gibco to crystalize its value proposition and brand marketing, shift perceptions, and celebrate the science and personal connections Gibco enables.
Internal and market due diligence revealed a key insight: more than products, connections are what Gibco’s customers critically need in today’s complex and uncertain landscape. Scientific progress stems from the strength, scope, and scale of your connections. Connections between abstract ideas and concepts. Connections across research, clinical trial, and commercialization. Connections from experts to colleagues to regulatory bodies. Connections of supply chains and funding to enable and keep the science moving forward. More than anyone else, these are connections to the scope and scale of Gibco empower.
Our “Connections for Life” campaign boldly challenged what customers know (or think they know) about Gibco. And it empowered them with the new knowledge of what they can achieve when they make that connection with Gibco – connecting ideas, cures, and people, across careers and lifetimes.
We also created robust brand guidelines and buyer-journey, audience-segmented messaging frameworks to empower marketing teams across the Gibco organization. So they could take the campaign to market, anywhere and everywhere they needed to be.
Though early to report on in-market impact, the brand campaign has instantly energized and galvanized the Gibco organization globally. Stakeholders from regions worldwide have weighted in to state they “love the execution” and that our work is “simply beautiful” and among “the most complete we’ve ever seen.”